A downloadable game for Windows

Note: This is a reupload of the original SpaceFist project to address a missing file when trying to launch the game. No changes have been made to the project itself.


Imagine an 8-bit platformer fighting game… with no platforms! Our game features a King-of-the-Ring style combat system with antigravity.

To join, just click any button on the controller or keyboard.


Controls (Xbox Controller / Keyboard): 

Move - Left Stick / WASD 

Light Attack - X button / J key 

Heavy Attack - Y button / I key 

Special Attack - B button / L key 

Super Attack - LB / M key

Dash - A button / K key 

Grab - RB / U key 

Block - RT / O key


Spacefist-2023Reupload.zip 44 MB

Install instructions

1. Download the zip file. 

2. Unpack it. 

3. Run the .exe in the folder to run the game. 

Game can be played with (keyboard + controller) or (controller + controller), runs BEST with controller + controller

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